Christian Zionism An Imperial Theology

Jewish Choosiness does not elevate Jews over non-Jews or make them better than non-Jews but places greater responsibility on them to follow after God yet this never happens and why?
Racial ethnicity alone also  does not guarantee the benefits of the Abraham Covenant.  God’s past promises to the Jews are not relevant in the modern era because firstly  they have already been fulfilled in their entirety, and next the Jews all had rejected their God, Jesus Christ,  and now there is only one chosen people, the followers of Jesus Christ. The demonstration of this reality,  was revealed with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD foretold by Jesus Christ in the New Testament  that the destruction of Jerusalem was God’s last word on the Jewish people.
Concerning the Holocaust,   “Those Jews who suffered and died in wrote: Hitler’s Europe perished for their rejection of Jesus Christ, as the judgment of history lies solely in the hands of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.   It was not anti-Semitism that fed the brutal dogma that expelled and killed millions of Jews as European Christianity pursued Jews around the globe from Spain and Portugal into central and southern America in the name of Christendom. The Jew was  now recognized as an Adversary, the enemy of humanity, even when he did not (personally) understand himself, as a sign of Judgment by  the Holy One of Israel. It is not anti-Semitism that drives Christian to abandon  a return to Zion of the Jewish people
Israel to date as a state is a false act of  history.  God has   forgotten his promises to the Jewish people. The Old Testament promises are now  applied to the Church  in the Last Days there will be a consummation of those promises in a way that includes not only the Church but also Israel.   Jesus Christ will reign from Jerusalem but it will not be a specifically Jewish kingdom. It will be a universal Kingdom that includes the believing remnant of Israel. Modern Israel is not ancient Israel.   Israel today is  the last Jewish community we will see.    
Christians can not support the return of Jews to Israel, We also cannot  claim to know the particular timetable or political schema that will come in the final days even .about Israel except there is no promise of a future for Israel Jesus Christ is against all Culture theological. Israel has no more right to the land than the man in the moon.  In 2013, the Scottish Presbyterian Church  issued their “scholarly report”  to assert that contemporary Israel was not the Israel of the Bible and nothing much more than a historical accident.  As such, they concluded that Israel has no unique, justifiable claim to the land.   
 Majority of  Christians have  opposed   all of the Zionist movement because they believed that the re-creation of Israel must be effected by the Messiah himself. Israel is officially a Jewish state but this refers to ethnicity, not religion. Theodor Herzl (father of modern Zionism), Chaim Weizmann (founding president of Israel), and David Ben-Gurion (founding prime minister of Israel) were secularists if not atheists Most Christians remain uninterested in human governments, elections, laws, and policies—even those of the Israeli government. Jesus is also not interested in a movement characterized by narrow ethnic identity and the power of government.  Some questions about Israel today demand  answers. Like, if God brought the Jews home, why don’t they live more godly? Why is abortion allowed? Why do we see hedonism, materialism and even blatant sexual perversions on display? Why don’t they in Israel give God more glory for their military and economic successes, rather than tout their own ingenuity and strength? And  why is freedom to share the Christian gospel still hindered? And what will it take to bring Israel to her knees?   God was never in this restoration
For two thousand years,   Replacement theology  is a theology rooted in ancient Christianity. It  affirms that Christianity has replaced Judaism and Israel in God’s economy. The Christian Church is considered the “New Israel” or “the Israel of God.”    Jewish claims to their biblical inheritance of the land of Israel are null and void because the land is considered now a “universal mission” available to any and all claims, and invalidates those who interpret the Bible as God’s continual embrace of Israel.  This theology denies Israel’s prominent future position in  the prophetic fulfillment of God’s plans. All of God’s prophecies were fulfilled with Jesus’ death and resurrection in the first century.   
 Christian Zionism at best, it’s considered a gross misreading of the Bible, self-indulgent theology on the part of  bad Christians.  The deeper issues are the misuse of the Bible and theology in the Zionist messaging  designed to advance an extreme political agenda.” Christian Zionist falsely equates the state of Israel with God.   Christian Zionism see the Gospel is identified with the ideology of Jewish empire, colonialism and militarism.  Christian Zionism is an example of religious extremism.  All  Zionists, Jews who believe that non-Jews have no rights in the land of Israel, the vast majority of them also believe that stealing from non-Jews is not theft.
Christian Zionism,   had always been a small stream within Christendom,. Christian Zionism is said to ignore the plight of Palestinians and has falsely  uncritically supported Israel and its politics.  Christian Zionism is   deeply racist against Palestinians.  Israel as an oppressor nation   built its state on stolen Arab land. And enforces apartheid policies..   Christian Zionism has a negative impact on Palestinian Christians because as a theology it promotes prejudice and superiority and leaves no place for the Palestinians in Israel.“The cultural Zionists” portray all ethnic cleansing as a “defensible cruelty,” Christian Zionists portrayed it as a “divine command.” Zionism is Jewish Bigotry  but still the Kingdom of God has come. Christians  must reclaim the prophetic role in bringing peace, justice and reconciliation even in Palestine and Israel.”  

Christian Zionism is a Jewish  Imperial Theology.”   Zionists and their Christian friends are partners in an imperialist, colonialist enterprise from the very inception of modern Zionism in the late 1800s. Any exclusive claim to land of the Bible in the name of God is not in line with the teaching of scripture” “”Palestinians are no less than perpetual victims of so-called Israeli imperialism and occupation.  


“It is irresponsible to believe that God will bless Christians materially if they support the largely secular State of Israel.” Christian Zionism, particularly in its political form, has far more traction in the US than in the UK In 2006 senior Palestinian Christian leaders from the Roman Catholic, Syrian Orthodox, Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran Churches issued the Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism, describing it as a “false teaching that corrupts the biblical message of love, justice, and reconciliation”. It does not oppose Zionism as such, but stresses that Jews and Palestinians should be able to live together, saying: “We call upon all people to reject the narrow world view of Christian Zionism and other ideologies that privilege one people at the expense of others
Christians still do believe that God’s desire for Jews is that they become Christians, and that – not surprisingly – is a problem for Jews. All Jews need to repent and turn to Christ As a nation, Israel remains in rebellion against Jesus of Nazareth and this factor has more to do with her present struggle than they are prepared to admit!… Jesus is a Jewish Messiah and the only way of salvation for all Jews.”
Even the Christian, who had been grafted into the Jewish , Christian history by virtue of his belief  and  baptism, could take on again the protective coloration of heathen ethnicity, could betray his baptism and retreat into non-history, could become an apostate and betrayer.” 

About thenonconformer

I am a Canadian, retired and I do have an Engineering degree, from Concordia University , Montreal 1968, plus I had also now worked as a Re/Max Realtor in Calgary too. I follow Jesus, as per Matthew 2:37 The Old covenant from God is only to the Jews, Israel. Now I am very heatedly involved in both Christianity and politics as well and I am very popular for my Graphic sites. I have Pastored a Church or a few years and have dealt with many many politicians. I am a moderator on two Donald trump political sites on Google+ : Liberty Price, and PRESIDENT TRUMP My own most Popular face book sites are My own most Popular wordpress sites are Canadian Politics American Politics Christian Topics About the Messianic Jews Ocean City, New Jersey USA caribbean-cruise Google Plus I am also a Conversation starter, 1/ 45 most popular posters the last month President Donald J. Trump Supporters Group!
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